New Pastime!
Its the sport of PAINTBALL!
now I have
got to say its been
the most fun I have had in years!
my only regret as of
yet is that I didn't
start this 10 yrs ago!
It might have kept
me from having heart
problems, you get lots
of exercise and fresh
air, it helps you get
aggressions out and
there for makes you
more relaxed, you also
to shoot at your friend
and have them shoot
back at ya :) so if
there was
anything you ever wanted
to work out with your
friend you can take
it to
the field LMAO
Its kinda like grown up cowboys and
indians without the
arrows :)
I know what your thinking does
it HURT! well I don't want to
lie to you but I can tell you
the fun out weighs the hurt by
far :)
and when you are in the heat of the battle you don't feel much
at all, most of the time someone has to tell me I am hit,
I love when I put on my mask and take the
gun off safety just anticipating the
adrenalin rush when the fight is on!
the other guys not knowing where
they are and when they will pop up! looking around every
corner with caution and ready to fire
at any moment, then..... POW! :)
its all over and you get to do it all again,
Speed ball is
great too, its more of who will last the longest and who
can shoot and
move better with a little
luck as well ,
no matter how you play and what game you play its by far
the most fun I have had in years!
I like to do many things
and this
at the
top of my list,
My friends and I are getting together a group
to play on a regular basis, people
that want to have
fun and relax
the same time, most of us are
older but we don't mind younger ones as well,
If this sounds like fun to you we have a web site set
up Here